feature shoot writes about the Dare alla Luce work!
Upcoming Exhibition!
Upcoming soon! In Santander Spain!
There is a cool little photo festival in the town of Santander, Spain! My work is a part of their nightly projections. If you are lucky enough to be in the North of Spain check it out!
How One Thing Leads to Another
Featured in Online Canadian Magazine "Branch"
IT has been some time since I have specifically acknowledged and thanked the Ontario Arts Council for the support I have been given over the past several years! This funding is instrumental for artists! I have been able to work in my studio and exhibit my photographs because of this support. THANK YOU.
I am one of 50 artists featured in this new release!
Select work in the latest issue of the Carolina Quarterly!
My work is featured in aparté literary magazine!
New work online!
Interview on ArtNoise (Italy)
My Dare alla Luce has been featured in this interview on ARTNOISE for all you Italian speakers out there!
I am a Photolucida Critical Mass Finalist!
My work is featured on the cover of Keith Leonard's new book, Still, the Shore
Upcoming Exhibition at the John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto
A selection of photographs from my Parallel Series are included in a group exhibition at the John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto. The Exhibition runs from September 5 - 20, 2013.
Opening is Thursday, September 5, 2013 from 6 to 8 p.m. John B. Aird Gallery 900 Bay Street - Macdonald Block Toronto, ON M7A 1C2
Director and Curator, Dale Barrett based the selection of work on a high level of technical skill, critical reflection of subject matter and aesthetics, and an awareness of the history of the art form, whether it be photographic portraiture, landscape photography, abstraction, documentation, or numerous other such categories.
Le mur mitoyen - New novel by Canadian Author Catherine Leroux features my work on the cover!
Conveyor Online Magazine features work from the Dare alla Luce series
Check out this lovely feature on Conveyor Magazine.
Little Magazine Collection - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Work Featured in Miel Journal 1110/5
A special issue, featuring 23 artists and 23 writers: each image, paired with its text, is printed on a smooth, 300-gsm postcard. (There’s space on the back for an address and a stamp—so yes, you can even send them.) We’re calling this issue 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111. Or 111O/5, for short.